среда, 15 августа 2012 г.

145 years - Birthday of Russian vodka

January 31, 1865 , in St. Petersburg , Dmitry Mendeleev defended his famous doctoral dissertation - "On the combination of alcohol and water." The original text, and now preserved in the museum of the famous chemist - at St. Petersburg State University. Some scientists believe that it is this work became the basis for a classic drink strength at 40 degrees. In fact, Mendeleev, of course, did not invent the vodka, she appeared before him. According to some figures, white bread wine was brought to Russia from Scandinavia in the 16th century. On the other, - for 100 years before, from Genoa. Incidentally, the strength of vodka in this country has never been a dogma. Traditionally, produced different varieties - 38, 45 and even 56 degrees. Another interesting detail: it is believed that, in fact, Mendeleev thought the perfect strength of vodka 38 degrees, but this number is rounded up to 40 - so it was easier to calculate the tax on alcohol. Only do not overdo it - 150 grams more than enough, he considered himself DI Mendeleev.

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