вторник, 14 августа 2012 г.

The best selling russian vodka "Putinka"

At the Moscow distillery "Cristall" enthusiastically welcomed Putin's promise to return to the Kremlin. Manufacturers of alcohol rubbing their hands and already preparing a new series of "Putinka" - the best-selling  Russian vodka. Russian power groups presented a couple of weeks ago, a surprise, saying that the current prime minister in 2012, will run for president, and President Dmitry Medvedev will lead the party "United Russia". The return of Putin for the presidency so pleased manufacturers' Putinka. "

In 2004, a year after its introduction in the market, "Putinka" became a best-selling vodka, and now it occupies the ninth place in the russian global market. The owner of the company brand "Vineksim" earned on de president name the big money, although the drink has nothing to do with the  president (and probably future) master of the Kremlin. "Putinka," according to the dictionary - is a "fishing season". But the Russians, of course, know perfectly well what was going on.

The names of popular politicians in Russia have always been in vogue.  Mikhail Gorbachev before is the brand of vodka too. In addition, the last secretary-general for a long time after the collapse of the Soviet Union appeared in advertisements of fast food networks and was the face of louis vuitton in russia. Power has the authority, so it a great engine of commerce. "In Russia, the main" star "- it is always a leader, which cleverly supported by advertising companies,". It is no wonder that businesses are trying to settle down to a brand of president. Only here the government does not intend to give himself for their needs.

In the current popularity of Prime Minister wanted to, for example, to make the owners of the cafe "Putin" in Chelyabinsk. The place where you can drink a brew "Kremlin" or milkshake "When Little Putin was a kid," once visited the various inspections - from health to the fire. Cafe had to abandon the catchy title. As well as the manufacturer and instant soups Petelin, Alexander, who wanted to sell them under the name «Put in pot» (from the English "put in a pot"). Patent Office rejects the application for registration of names associated with the name of Putin, even though it is not a registered brand. In contrast to the name of the country: for the right of commercial use of the word "Russia" to pay a lot of money.

Despite this, business and marketing experts are trying hard to earn the most popular politicians. In the gardening stores appeared the grass with a photograph prime minister, and in the building - water filters with a portrait and the name of Sergei Shoigu - the head of Emergency (department, which, in particular, is responsible for the cleanliness of water in the country). Both products quickly disappeared from the shelves - they were withdrawn from sale under pressure from officials. But the bureaucrats do not always win. Two weeks ago, the Moscow Arbitration Court dismissed the appeal of Rospatent, which is more than a year ago, refused to register the mark "Volodya and bears" (associated with this animal the name of the current president, and members of the ruling party "United Russia" is often referred to bears). This means that the market may appear beer, vodka and other drinks at this brand or its abridged version of "Vladimir".
"Putin has to register its image as a brand, rather than rely on the vigilance of the officials who take care of encroachments on the image of power," - said the representative of an advertising agency in Moscow, Oleg Dronov Golden Gate.

So long ago joined the nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Under the registered back in the 1990s, the brand "Zhirinovsky" selling perfumes, alcohol, sugary snacks, tea and even mayonnaise. Their images as a trademark registered well-known spy Anna Chapman, who worked for Russia in the U.S., as well as a gymnast and MP Alina Kabaeva - her gossip in the press suspected affair with Putin. Both are going to be sold under the name of dolls and various gadgets.

Only the current President Dmitry Medvedev did not have to worry about its image. In 2008 there was vodka in shops «Medvedeff», and then "Medvedivka." They sold poorly and quickly disappeared from the market. And it only confirms the thesis that the Russians are willing to buy only those brands that offer real power.

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